Love is always good.
Love makes you smile and gives you rosey cheeks.
Love is holding hands.
Love is grandmas cooking and grandpas hugs.
Love is sunshine and rainy days.
Love is my dogs yawn everymorning and night.
Love is friends and good food.
Love comes in many different shapes and sizes.
Peace is freedom!
Peace is joy!
Peace is the wind!
Peace is the smell of spring!
Peace is laughter!
Peace is blue!
Peace is refreshing!
Peace is that sigh at the end of a beautiful day!
Peace is herbs growing in the garden!
Peace is a baby sleeping in your arms!
Joy is alive!
Joy dances!
Joy is sweet!
Joy always smiles on the inside!
Joy is real!
Joy is truth!
Joy is yellow daisies!
Joy is belly laughs!
And Jesus came that we might have life and life in abundance, a life filled ultimately with Love! that brings Peace! thats full of Joy! That our faith may increase, even more, even now! The world awaits...