I have decided that hope is a beautiful thing. I think it is my word for this time in my life, whatever this time may be.. i choose hope. Or maybe hope ;) has chosen me. Ahhhh I feel the love just saying that. I say it outloud and it makes me giggle. "HOPE HAS CHOSEN ME".
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but hope restored, birthed, caught, desired, revealed, awakened, seen... hope is the tree of life. Hope brings life with it and anticipation, like that feeling you get when you're a kid and it's christmas eve.. i still kinda get that feeling.
My experience with hope recently has been one of restoration, restoring those dreams and desires that had been lost, pushed aside, pushed back, forgotten, denied, I can feel hope returning an it's bring dreams, passions, imagination, smiles and so much life with it.
Hope in the dictionary is defined as :
"A belief in a positive outcome related to events or circumstances in ones life."
"A feeling that what is wanted can be had"
"Events will turn out fo the best"
"To look forward to and desire with reasonable confidence"
"To feel that something desired may happen"
To look forward, to look into the future and beleive and trust that the best is yet to come. It says don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself, hope is different than this, hope looks forward in anticipation, trust and faith. Hope brings life, not stress.
Jesus i am thankful for hope that is awakened in all of us.
You are the hope of glory, the hope of life, the hope of greater things yet to come.