W h i t e F o g
Heaven-invading hills are drowned
In wide moving waves of mist,
Phlox before my door are wound
In dripping wreaths of amethyst.
Ten feet away the solid earth
Changes into melting cloud,
There is a hush of pain and mirth,
No bird has heart to speak aloud.
Here in a world without a sky,
Here in a world without a sky,
Without the ground, without the sea,
The one unchanging thing is I,
Myself remains to comfort me.
by Sarah Teasdale

i woke up this morning to a thick layer of fog covering the trees.
it was so beautiful and romantic and i could have just sat and watch it all day,
well i guess i kinda did. i have a cold. my first cold in years and so here i am
with my big hankerchief, bowl of soup, watching the sound of music and blogging.
makes for a perfect day i suppose.